Agreement Announced between CPHR New Brunswick / CRHA Nouveau-Brunswick and PCU-WHS

Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is pleased to announce the signing of an Agreement with CPHR New Brunswick / CRHA Nouveau-Brunswick providing their members with the pre-approval for CPD hours of the 25 courses in the online Disability Management Practitioner Program.

The Chartered Professionals in Human Resources New Brunswick was established in 1996 to meet the needs for the growth and recognition of HR professionals in New Brunswick. CPHR New Brunswick / CRHA Nouveau-Brunswick is a bilingual association whose purpose is to promote and encourage members to develop and maintain a professional standard of knowledge and proficiency in their occupational field. The association’s mandate includes attaining recognition as a resource on employment issues, as well as promoting and gaining acceptance of the Human Resources field for the distinct body of knowledge it provides in business.

The CPHR competency framework includes “Health, Wellness and Safe Workplace” with responsibilities in these areas falling to the HR professional in the organization. The 25 courses in the online Disability Management Practitioner Program consist of topic areas that are key to successful health and wellness and return to work of an organization’s employees.

As recent surveys have indicated, the responsibilities for disability management and return to work often fall to the HR professional in an organization who has often had no specific training to assist them in this complex area of practice. By providing this opportunity, CPHR New Brunswick / CRHA Nouveau-Brunswick offers these 25 topic areas, all of which are relevant to the HR professional, at a preferred pricing registration to their members. And the focus has become even more relevant in today’s world under COVID-19 where a large percentage of employees are struggling with work/life balance while working from home and at the same time trying to cope with family members who are also working / schooling from home; or potentially, the fear of return to work in today’s environment. All of these issues land on the desk of the HR professional who is already overwhelmed.

A recent survey of the Federal Public Service, with about 260,000 members across Canada, indicated that in almost two-thirds of the cases of an onset of an individual’s mental/physical health impairment, the employee’s immediate supervisor turned to a Labour Relations or Human Resources advisor/officer as a first point of contact in order to identify accommodation support and options. This approach is very consistent with many other organizations, public or private, across Canada and internationally, where Labour Relations and/or Human Resources functions are established. Having knowledgeable, experienced and collaborative approaches embraced by Human Resources Professionals can often lead to much improved outcomes for the individuals affected by retaining valuable workers for the organization they are employed by and ultimately reducing the often significant inflow into various aspects of our social security/benefit systems from which exiting is often very difficult and challenging, resulting in long term dependence, to the detriment of all stakeholders.

For further details, please see website at: