Introducing New Staff at PCU-WHS

PCU-WHS is pleased to announce the appointment of two new staff members: Susan Patrick, PhD, as Director of Academic Program Development and Delivery; and Khusbuben Thakor (KD), MBA, MGM, as Associate Director of Admissions, Student Services and Alumni Relations.

With the roll-out of the grant from the British Columbia government to NIDMAR, this has translated into newly available educational opportunities for both scholarships and continuing education in Disability Management to BC residents and workplaces.

Below please find the links to bulletins announcing the appointments of Susan and KD as both look forward to welcoming these new opportunities for new students in the rapidly expanding field of Disability Management, supported in part through the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and federal and provincial Accessibility Legislation in Canada.

PCU-WHS Newsletter Vol 8 Issue 31 May 2021 Announcement re Appointment of Susan Patrick

PCU-WHS Newsletter Vol 8 Issue 32 May 2021 Announcement re Appointment of Khusbuben Thakor