
Study with leading experts in the field of workplace health science through teaching and research to pass on to students a diverse education perspective to meet the ever–evolving social challenges related to the workplace environment. We aspire to foster each member of our community with the inspiration and passion to revolutionize the field of workplace health, reshaping our understanding and awareness of disability management for the betterment of a global society.

We invite you to study and do research with us on the conditions and means through which the health and safety, work capacity and well-being of people in the workplace are enhanced, maintained, and supported.

We offer a unique integrated academic curriculum that includes input from business, industry, labour and government both nationally and internationally. It is truly an interdisciplinary approach to the study of contemporary issues in workplace health through an applied focus in the fields of disability management, occupational health and safety, wellness promotion, human resources management, and rehabilitation, among others. As such we offer a range of unparalleled interdisciplinary and research–focused programs with direct application to today’s workforce setting.

The programs currently being offered are:
Bachelor of Disability Management (BDM)
Advanced Certificate in Return to Work (ACRTW)

Also available at PCU-WHS:
University Studies Education
Continuing Professional Education

Programs are delivered with online technologies that allow adult learners with multiple commitments to carry out most study activities in their home location at the time, place and pace that best suits their needs.

PCU-WHS has agreements with a number of Universities including:

• Vancouver Island University (VIU), BC
• North Island College (NIC), BC
• Academy Canada, NL
• Bow Valley College, AB
• Lethbridge College, AB
• Sheridan College, ON

For further information about admission, please refer to the Admissions page or email Admission Inquiries to:

For further details regarding Continuing Education programs, please contact: