DMCS 650 Chronic and episodic health conditions in the workplace

Supporting workers with chronic and episodic health conditions can be challenging because impairments may not be obvious and visible and workers may prefer not to disclose their issues.  When workers ask for support, a one-time solution may not be sufficient and work arrangements may need to change over time. The module provides people with responsibilities in the area of workplace health with approaches that can be used to retain workers and mitigate the effect of chronic and episodic health conditions on work performance and work absence.

The module will cover the types and characteristics of chronic and episodic health conditions and explore some common conditions. The costs for workers and workplaces when chronic and episodic conditions are not addressed will be examined as well as issues of disclosure and privacy; strategies for mitigating the impact of such conditions on workers and their employment; return to work planning and accommodation from a biopsychosocial perspective; the role of service providers; and wellness initiatives.
