Welcoming our Member of Parliament, Gord Johns!

Welcoming our Member of Parliament, Gord Johns.

With significant national attention focused on the ongoing developments regarding a Canada Disability Benefit and the recently released Canada Disability Inclusion Action Plan, MP Gord Johns wanted to learn more about current challenges facing persons with disabilities and potential positive opportunities.

Following the weekend Global News article (see link below), discussions centered on the fact that highly inequitable employment opportunities for persons with disabilities are a major contributor. We need to break the vicious disability – poverty – unemployment cycle.

More than 80% of mental and physical health impairments occur during a person’s working life, so maintaining workplace attachment through effective Disability Management programs is key towards “Building a Culture of Accommodation,” reducing disability stigma, and is required to build a Disability Inclusion society.


Building a Culture of Accommodation Inclusion and Equity for Disabled Workers

The Accessible Canada Act, introduced in 2018 and which received Royal Assent and came into force in July 2019, is “An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada.”

The definition of “Barrier” in the Act “means anything – including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice – that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”

The National Executive Steering Committee for the special initiative that NIDMAR is currently undertaking requested a Fact Sheet that sets out the current situation in Canada today.

Funding for the initiative is provided under the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program, and covers support through education, professionalization, and program assessments – all related to Disability Management and Return to Work.

Scholarship Opportunities for BC Residents- Application Deadline Extended to July 15

This Scholarship opportunity is for BC Residents to enroll in the Bachelor of Disability Management (BDM) degree program. Applicants must have completed a 2-year diploma or other relevant educational prerequisites which provide 60 credits in a range of disciplines. Deadline for applications is July 15, 2022. For details please visit the following webpage: Scholarship Opportunities for BC Residents through WDA Grant  

Appointment of Tyler Amell, PhD, as Registrar

Wolfgang Zimmermann, President of PCU-WHS, is pleased to welcome Tyler Amell, PhD, to the position of Registrar. As a long-time professor and supporter of PCU-WHS, Dr. Amell accepted the role stating, “It was an opportunity to contribute to the University’s greater success and it was appealing to me to join with Wolfgang and the top leadership now in place.” Please click on the link below to view the newsletter announcement.

PCU-WHS Newsletter Vol 9 Issue 35 July 2022 Appointment of Tyler Amell, PhD, as Registrar

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

“I urge all countries to fully implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, increase accessibility, and dismantle legal, social, economic and other barriers with the active involvement of persons with disabilities and their representative organizations.”

– António Guterres, Secretary General, United Nations

NIDMAR’s goal is to stop the Disability–Poverty cycle through effective Return to Work programs to ensure continued Employment for people with mental or physical health impairments.


CDMP Awards in Scotland 2021

In 2016, the Scottish government committed to increase the employment opportunities for people with disabilities. One of the methods chosen to address the employment gap was the training of 300 individuals to become Certified Disability Management Professionals (CDMPs) to serve the country’s public and private sectors dedicated to maintaining meaningful employment for workers with long-term health conditions, injuries, or disabilities.

To read more on the success achieved to date, please click on the following link to the Communique.

IDMSC Communique Vol15 No 46 CDMP Awards in Scotland 2021

Congratulations to Bachelor of Disability Management Class of 2021!

We were so proud to celebrate, on Friday Oct 22, our 2021 Bachelor of Disability Management Program graduates with our online graduation celebration! Such an inspiring group of students! We would like to thank our valedictorian Ashley Anna O’Neill who shared her inspiring words with us. We would also like to thank our amazing speakers, Sari Sairanen, Dean Winsor, Susan Patrick, Trevor Alexander, and Wolfgang Zimmermann. Special thanks to MP Gord Johns for his support and contribution and of course our Chancellor, the Hon. Wayne G. Wouters, OC, PC for his graduation address.

Here is to the class of 2021!

Watch the graduation ceremony here:

SOCSO’s Regional Return to Work Symposium – DIGIMOS 2021

SOCSO’s Regional RTW DIGIMOS Symposium 2021 took place September 6 and 7, 2021. It aimed to attract participants from diverse levels and professional backgrounds from Southeast Asian countries, and with the goal of helping to reinvigorate Malaysia’s labor industry by sharing information and best practices for recovering from the pandemic.

The theme of this year’s RTW DIGIMOS Symposium was “Navigating Disability Management through the New Normal: Return to Work Process-Re-Engineering”.

The IDMSC contributed a presentation highlighting the international standards as well as an initiative currently taking place in British Columbia, Canada under a government grant entitled “Building a Culture of Accommodation in the Workplace. This presentation is featured in the video and begins with introductions around the 42:00 minute mark.

The full video can be seen at:

Learn More:




Graduation Event for New CDMPs Held in Scotland

An event took place during the last week of August in Scotland to present the certificates to the individuals who passed the CDMP professional certification examinations that took place at the end of May 2021. Dr. Norma Clark, Project Manager for the Scottish Government attended along with Graham Halsey who acted as MC for the event.