IFDM 2018

Planning is well underway. The website is updated.

Information re Call for Abstracts is posted detailing the conference streams and specific topic areas for presenters. Deadline for abstract submissions is February 28, 2018.

View the “Welcome to IFDM 2018” message from the Honourable Wayne G. Wouters, PC, OC, Chancellor of PCU-WHS, host organization for the event, by clicking on the “More information” link provided below.

Hotel and venue information is available on the website, as well as information regarding discounted travel fares.

For further details, please visit the website: IFDM 2018

More Information

IFDM 2018 Receives Government of Canada Support

The Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is pleased to announce that the 2018 International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) conference will receive sponsorship through the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program-Disability.

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities said, “Canada is at its best and all of society benefits when everyone is included. By bringing together academics, professionals and disability stakeholders from all over the world to share their knowledge and generate valuable ideas, this conference will help ensure that Canadians with disabilities are able to fully participate in their workplaces and communities.”

“We are very grateful for the significant support that the Government of Canada has provided, especially when considering recent reports that indicate 23 percent of all people living in poverty across Canada are persons with mental or physical health impairments, and in excess of 80 percent of impairments are acquired during a person’s working life, and therefore effective and collaborative workplace efforts in job retention and return to work can have a significant impact on changing this narrative” said Wolfgang Zimmermann, President of PCU-WHS.

To view the full media release, please see attached.

As an additional update, please note that the deadline for the Call for Abstracts has been extended to April 2, 2018.

For further details on the Call for Abstracts, please visit the following webpage: https://www.ifdm2018.com/call-for-abstracts/

IFDM 2018 Secretariat
Email: info@ifdm2018.com
Web: www.ifdm2018.com

Disability Management Professionals in Belgium

A ceremony took place in Belgium at the end of November to recognize the first group of participants to complete the Disability Management Practitioner training program and also to present the IDMSC certificates to those who successfully passed the professional certification examinations. Attached please find the IDMSC Communique which provides the background on the agreement between the Belgium Health Insurance Agency (RIZIV/INAMI) and NIDMAR as well as comments from participants in the training program.
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BC Nurses Union – Pioneers in “Enhanced” Disability Management

Following a Consensus Based Disability Management Audit (CBDMA) conducted in 2009 under a special initiative in the province of BC, a pilot DM program incorporating best practices was implemented at one health authority and a cross section of long-term care facilities. When the pilot showed that the program could make a significant difference both in cost savings and in much improved return to work outcomes for healthcare workers, collective agreements were negotiated including language around the “Enhanced Disability Management Program” (EDMP) with the various healthcare employers covering 150,000 healthcare workers in four bargaining associations in seven regional health authorities and more than 200 long-term care / community care facilities in the province. Please click the link below to review further details on the process undertaken in the development of the EDMP across the healthcare sector in BC. More Information

Recognizing Professional Excellence in the Re/integration of Persons with Disabilities

On September 28, an event was held in Toronto hosted by the WSIB and NIDMAR to recognize those individuals who were able to attend the event and who achieved the Certified Disability Management Professional (CDMP) and Certified Return to Work Coordinator (CRTWC) designations in 2017. Continue reading Recognizing Professional Excellence in the Re/integration of Persons with Disabilities

Jody Thomas appointed Deputy Minister, Department of National Defence

Jody Thomas, Deputy Minister for Department of National Defense

Congratulations to our Deputy Minister University Champion, Jody Thomas, on her appointment as Deputy Minister for the Department of National Defence. The announcement was made by the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, on Friday, September 22. We wish her the best of luck in this new and challenging assignment. We very much appreciate her continued support of PCU-WHS.

ISSA Report on The Return on Work Reintegration

The International Social Security Association (ISSA), a United Nations agency based in Geneva, has published a report entitled “The Return on Work Reintegration” that identifies the global return on investments for employers, social security systems, and society, for injured and ill workers with the goal of reintegration in the workplace. A copy of the report can be downloaded from the ISSA website at:

The Return on Work Reintegration

March of Dimes Canada, NIDMAR and PCU-WHS sign MOU

Signing with March of Dimes July 2017

The March of Dimes Canada, NIDMAR and PCU-WHS signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will offer educational opportunities in the field of Disability Management / Return to Work for MODC’s management staff and client base to provide a collaborative learning opportunity to community leaders and managers, and provide them with relevant tools and knowledge to effectively manage health-related absenteeism, and implement disability prevention and management programs.
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Donal McAnaney, PhD, Interim Chief Academic Officer for PCU-WHS, recently released report on early intervention

Vocational Rehab Report 2017 FINAL NDA_Web-1

Donal McAnaney, PhD, Interim Chief Academic Officer and International Research Advisory Council Chair for PCU-WHS recently released the attached report “International Good Practice in Vocational Rehabilitation”, co-authored with Richard Wynne, PhD, for the Irish National Disability Authority. This report focuses on system approaches to early intervention for employees who are absent from work on health grounds.

Vocational Rehab Report

PCU-WHS Hosts Deputy Minister University Champion

Group Jody Thomas Visit July 6 2017

The Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences recently had the pleasure of hosting all three levels of government around a common theme – more effective return to work efforts – so that individuals who acquire a mental or physical health impairment during their working lives (about 85% of impairments are acquired during that time) do not migrate into a life of poverty and despair. This was brought together by our Deputy Minister University Champion, Jody Thomas, Senior Associate Deputy Minister with the Department of National Defence, and her Chief of Staff spending a half day with us to learn first hand about our programming, learning management system, current educational partnerships, initiatives underway, etc. She was joined for more than half the time by Port Alberni’s Mayor Mike Ruttan, Member of Parliament Gord Johns, and Member of the Legislative Assembly Scott Fraser, who will now also be a member of the incoming BC Government.

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Celebrating 30 Years of Bringing Attention to the Plight of Injured Workers

Every Twelve Seconds Poster

It was June 1987 when a group of disabled forest industry workers, led by Wolfgang Zimmermann and supported by key leaders in the forest industry, unions, government and other stakeholders pulled together a production team and the financing to produce a powerful national documentary film entitled Every Twelve Seconds, so named because at the time, a disabling workplace injury occurred every 12 seconds in Canada. More information

Canadian Accessibility Act

Canadian Accessibility Act

The Federal Government has released a report entitled “Creating new national accessibility legislation: What we learned from Canadians”, which sets out a range of priority areas identified during the national consultations as part of the development of a Canadian Accessibility Act.

The employment for persons with disabilities was ranked as a number one priority. With approximately 1.2 million Canadians with disabilities living below the poverty line in Canada, and the extremely low hiring rate, which has remained unchanged over the last decade, economic participation is critical.

A link to the report is provided below:

Achieving Better Return to Work Outcomes Through Improved Collaboration

The Federal Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, the Hon. Carla Qualtrough, has stressed that a major focus of the new Canadian Accessibility Act will be on increased economic participation, i.e. employment for persons with disabilities. With employment rates for persons with disabilities under 50% and approx. 1.2 million Canadians with disabilities in poverty and supported through Social Assistance, this priority is not difficult to understand.

However, for workplaces to be more open towards hiring persons with disabilities, they must as a critical first step, be willing to accommodate their own workers who acquire a mental health or physical impairment which places them at risk of losing their employment.

Effective, collaborative and workplace-based Return to Work programs, designed to accommodate injured and disabled workers, regardless of causation, will ultimately also support building a “Workplace Culture of Accommodation”, but this cannot happen without the key workplace partners being on the same team.

In order to support advancing this critical element of workplace collaboration, we brought together key leaders from the academic, employer, and union sectors, and designed a workshop which provides key knowledge, tools and practical experience which we hope will ultimately contribute towards reducing the socio-economic impact of disabling impairments on workers, employers and society through significantly improved Return to Work outcomes.

Online registration is available or please contact Student Services at: education@pcu-whs.ca

Appointment of Dr. Donal McAnaney Interim Chief Academic Officer

Donal McAnaney

PCU-WHS is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Donal Ferris McAnaney as its interim Chief Academic Officer (CAO). Dr. McAnaney brings a most distinguished background, which combines many years of academic and research history with in-depth knowledge of the broader disability environment and the often challenging Return to Work / Disability Management issues more specifically.

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Tribute to Former NIDMAR Honourary Labour Co-Chair Bob White

Bob White

PCU-WHS, founded and supported by the National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR), wishes to pay tribute to Bob White former NIDMAR Honourary Labour Co-Chair from 1992 to 1999, who passed away on February 19, 2017 in Kincardine, Ontario.

The following link is to a video entitled “The Challenge to Lead: The Rewards of Disability Management”, developed by NIDMAR in 1996, as a promotional tool documenting the growth of workplace based disability management programs and showing the support coming from leaders in Canada’s political, business, union and insurance sectors, including the following short clip from Bob White:
Bob White

He was a legendary labour leader with a commitment towards better return to work outcomes for injured / disabled workers. To view the NIDMAR bulletin, please click on the following link.
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PCU-WHS and AgSafe collaborate on academic approach to reducing injury duration on BC farms and ranches

AgSafe Signing

The Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) signed an agreement with agricultural health and safety association, AgSafe, in a campaign to reduce the number of work days lost due to disabling injury/illness on BC’s farms and ranches.

Additionally, AgSafe signed a MOU with the National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR) which provides AgSafe members access to the Disability Management Self Assessment (DMSA) tool in order to assess their own disability management programs and activities. The DMSA was developed under the auspices of the International Disability Management Standards Council with input from international leaders in all relevant stakeholders.  Full story