Professional Designations for DM / RTW Expand Throughout Southeast Asia

SOCSO & PCU-WHS Signing Nov 2017

During the recently concluded IFDM 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, an historic signing took place between the Social Security Organization of Malaysia, SOCSO/PERKESO, and the National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR) which allows SOCSO, through a formal license agreement, to offer and administer the professional certification examinations for the designations of Certified Disability Management Professional (CDMP) and Certified Return to Work Coordinator (CRTWC) throughout a range of Southeast Asian nations currently not covered through individual license agreements. With these additional countries, this brings the number of countries now licensed to provide the professional CDMP and CRTWC designations to 26. Full story

New Appointments to Board of Governors


Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is very pleased to announce three new appointments to its Board of Governors: Former Manitoba Premier and Canadian Ambassador to the United States Gary Doer, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) National President Mark Hancock, and Special Advisor to the President and CEO and Vice President Workplace Health & Safety Services for the Ontario Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Steve Jackson. Here is more on their leadership expertise and how each of their notable professional backgrounds and passionate commitment to workplace health and safety will bring insightful perspective to our Board.

Full story

To view the official press release: New Board Appointments

PCU-WHS Hires First Summer Student

Summer Student 2016

Recently the Canadian Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, together with the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce and Labour, announced that 77,000 jobs have been approved for funding under the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program this year.

PCU-WHS is most fortunate in that one of those jobs has been approved for the University and we are very pleased to introduce our summer student, Sarah, with this short release.

USW approves Resolution re RTW Programs

The United Steelworkers endorsed a Resolution at its National Policy Conference re RTW / Disability Prevention Programs

The United Steelworkers endorsed a Resolution at its National Policy Conference re RTW / Disability Prevention Programs

The United Steelworkers (USW), the largest private sector union in North America with more than 225,000 members in Canada and more than 800,000 members continent-wide, endorsed a Resolution at its National Policy Conference on April 7 in Montreal, calling on the union to “recognize and support the value in pursuing meaningful, effective, confidential and joint workplace Return to Work / Disability Prevention Programs,” including full and equal participation by the union, the injured worker and medical caregivers during the return to work process with employers. The media release can be viewed at:

The Honourable Wayne G. Wouters, PC, installed as Chancellor of PCU-WHS

PCU-WHS was honoured to host the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of British Columbia, who delivered the oath of office.

Photo L to R: Dean Winsor, Vice President Human Resources, Teck Resources Ltd., and Co-Chair of PCU-WHS; Her Honour Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC; Wolfgang Zimmermann, OBC, President, PCU-WHS; the Honourable Wayne G. Wouters, PC, Chancellor of PCU-WHS; and Ken Neumann, Canadian National Director, United Steelworkers and Co-Chair of PCU-WHS.

To view the montage of photos from the installation event held December 17, 2015 in Vancouver, please click: Installation Event

To view the video of the installation ceremony please click the following link
Installation Ceremony

HRPA, NIDMAR and PCU-WHS partner to help employers build accessible workplaces

Human Resources Professionals Association chair Brenda Clark (left) and CEO Bill Greenhalgh (middle) sign a partnership agreement with Wolfgang Zimmerman, Executive Director, National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR) and president, Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS). NIDMAR and PCU-WHS will be providing HRPA members with diagnostic and educational tools and resources to create accessible workplaces. (CNW Group/Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario)
Human Resources Professionals Association chair Brenda Clark (left) and CEO Bill Greenhalgh (middle) sign a partnership agreement with Wolfgang Zimmerman, Executive Director, National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR) and president, Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS). NIDMAR and PCU-WHS will be providing HRPA members with diagnostic and educational tools and resources to create accessible workplaces. (CNW Group/Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario)

The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) has partnered with NIDMAR and PCU-WHS to provide its members access to workplace disability management assessment tools and educational resources to help establish effective disability management programs in Ontario workplaces. The following is a link to the Canadian NewsWire article: HRPA, NIDMAR and PCU-WHS