Schedule by Course Name

Course NumberCourse NameDates
DMCCAEffective Disability Management ProgramsJan 6-12, 2025Sep 8-14, 2025Jan 5-11, 2026
DMCCBIntroduction to Return- to-Work CoordinationJan 13-19, 2025Sep 15-21, 2025Jan 12-18, 2026
DMCCCPhysical Impairments, Rehabilitation and RTWJan 20-26, 2025Sep 22-28, 2025Jan 19-25, 2026
DMCCDMental Health Issues, Rehabilitation and RTWFeb 3-9, 2025Oct 6-12, 2025Feb 9-15, 2026
DMCCEJob AnalysisFeb 10-16, 2025Oct 20-26, 2025Feb 23-Mar 1, 2026
DMCCFThe Role of AssessmentFeb 24-Mar 2, 2025Oct 27-Nov 2, 2025Mar 2-8, 2026
DMCCGCommunication and Interviewing SkillsMar 3-9, 2025Nov 3-9, 2025Mar 9-15, 2026
DMCCHInterviewing and Helping SkillsMar 10-16, 2025Nov 17-23, 2025Mar 16-22, 2026
DMCCILegislation and Disability ManagementMar 17-23, 2025Nov 24-30, 2025Mar 23-29, 2026
DMCCJWorkers Compensation and Return to WorkApr 7-13, 2025Dec 1-7, 2025Apr 13-19, 2026
DMCCKIntroduction to Conflict ResolutionJan 6-12, 2025Apr 28-May 4, 2025Dec 8-14, 2025Apr 20-26, 2026
DMCCLInsurance and Other BenefitsJan 13-19, 2025May 5-11, 2025Jan 5-11, 2026Apr 27-May 3, 2026
DMCCMProblem-Solving With GroupsJan 20-26, 2025May 12-18, 2025Jan 12-18, 2026May 4-10, 2026
DMCCNDisability Management in Unionized OrganizationsFeb 3-9, 2025May 26-Jun 1, 2025Jan 19-25, 2026May 11-17, 2026
DMCCODisability and Diversity in the WorkplaceFeb 10-16, 2025Jun 2-8, 2025Feb 9-15, 2026May 25-31, 2026
DMCCPDisability Management From a Human Resources PerspectiveFeb 24-Mar 2, 2025Jun 9-15, 2025Feb 23-Mar 1, 2026Jun 8-14, 2026
DMCCQManagement and Organizational Skills in Disability ManagementMar 3-9, 2025Jun 16-22, 2025Mar 2-8, 2026Jun 15-22, 2026
DMCCRAssistive Technology and AccommodationMar 10-16, 2025Sep 8-14, 2025Mar 9-15, 2026
DMCCSManaging ChangeMar 17-23, 2025Sep 15-21, 2025Mar 16-22, 2026
DMCCTEvaluating Disability Management Programs and Assessing Return to Work ProcessesApr 7-13, 2025Sep 22- 28, 2025Apr 13-19, 2026
DMCCUMarketing and Education in Disability Management and Return to WorkApr 28-May 4, 2025Oct 6-12, 2025Apr 20-26, 2026
DMCCVInformation ManagementMay 5-11, 2025Oct 20-26, 2025Apr 27-May 3, 2026
DMCCWInjury Prevention and Health PromotionMay 12-18, 2025Oct 27-Nov 2, 2025May 4-10, 2026
DMCCXProfessional ConductMay 26-Jun 1, 2025Nov 3-9, 2025May 11-17, 2026
DMCCYManaging the Return-to-Work ProcessJun 2-8, 2025Nov 17-23, 2025May 25-Jun 1, 2026