WHDM 410a: Final Research Project Proposal (3 credits)

The purpose of WHDM 410a and 410b is to provide students with the opportunity to consolidate their learning in the BDM by developing and implementing a research project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. The student selects a theme or topic in consultation with the advisor, reviews the relevant literature and generates a working research question. The faculty advisor facilitates the student to focus the research question and to consider the most appropriate approach to exploring it using appropriate research design and methodologies. The project can involve documenting practical experience or critical analysis of workplace health practice at a system, organizational or individual level. In addition to standard qualitative or quantitative research or evaluation designs, both personal practice and single case study designs in collaboration with another person are acceptable. The student produces a structured proposal and formulates a project management plan which is submitted to the PCU-WHS Research Ethics Committee for approval. The proposal is revised based on the feedback from the PCUREC and may be re-submitted if required.

Prerequisites: Students must be in the final year of the program

WHDM 406: Case Management & Service Coordination Part 2 (3 credits)

The purpose of this course is to examine the skills and knowledge required for case management and service coordination, along with problem solving processes used in complex situations. The client’s role as the centre of the process will be explored. Students will also consider issues related to diversity, lack of client commitment to the process, and ethics and law.

Prerequisite: WHDM 403 or WHDM 308

WHDM 402: Unions and the Workplace (3 credits)

The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the international, national, and regional frameworks of the labour movement and how unions operate in representing workers and interacting with management. The focus of the course is on how the union movement has contributed to improving working
conditions and occupational health and safety on behalf of injured workers; training and advocacy initiatives; labour efforts in return to work and accommodation; mechanisms of participation, labour’s critique of employer wellness and behaviour-based safety programs. Factors affecting the potential for cooperation between the employers and labour and critical issues for labour in occupational health and safety, accommodation, and return to work are reviewed