What is the period of study?

The WDA Grant Scholarship will apply to:

  • 2 years of full-time study in the 2+2 BDM program, commencing with the Fall 2025 trimester and terminating with the Spring 2027 trimester.


  • the first 2 years only of part-time study in the 2+2 BDM program, commencing with the Fall 2025 trimester and terminating with the Spring 2027 trimester. You can anticipate completion of the part-time program 2 years later (Spring 2029 trimester) without Scholarship funding, as the scholarship grant expires in 2027.

What additional costs will I need to pay?

  • An application fee of $100 is required.
  • The WDA Grant Scholarship will cover most of the tuition required to complete the 2+2 BDM program in 2 years of full-time study, or most of the tuition of the first 2 years only to complete the 2+2 BDM program in 4 years of part-time study. Students are responsible for covering the balance of tuition: approximately $1,120 per academic year for full-time study; or approximately $560 per academic year for the first 2 years of part-time study, and approximately $3,810 for the final 2 years of part-time study (as of December 2021), as the scholarship grant expires in 2027.
  • The costs of elective or additional courses, if required, are not covered by the Scholarship.
  • There will be other incidental costs, including costs of textbooks and other materials, which are not covered by the Scholarship.
  • The cost of a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) review for Flexible Admission ($400) is not covered by the Scholarship.
  • The cost of a PLAR request for any specialized BDM course is not covered by the Scholarship.
  • Fees for any course not completed within the Scholarship period will be the responsibility of the student.
  • The percentage of actual tuition costs that the annual Scholarship will cover will be contingent on the number of transfer credits with which prospective students enter the degree program.
  • Students who do not have suitable research coursework or experience may be required to take a 300-level research course prior to entering their final year of the program. This course (WHDM 306) is not covered by the Scholarship.

Please note that PCU-WHS is a statutory post-secondary teaching and research institution authorized by the Degree Quality Assessment Board to grant degrees, and has the BC EQA designation, which is renewed annually. However, because academic programs at PCU-WHS are offered exclusively online, they are not eligible for Canadian or Provincial Student Loans.

Financial support may be sought through WDA scholarships (for permanent BC residents – final intake September 2025).


Who is eligible?

The WDA Grant Scholarship is open to candidates with landed immigrant or Canadian citizenship status who are permanent residents of British Columbia.

Successful candidates must:

  • Meet the admission criteria of PCU-WHS.

In addition, successful candidates must qualify for Admission Directly into Year 3 of the BDM program (i.e., the 2+2 program). Your Scholarship would then apply to your 2+2 program (2 years for full-time study or the first 2 years only for part-time study). To qualify for Admission Directly into Year 3, applicants must:

  • Have graduated with an associate degree, 2-year diploma, or other relevant educational prerequisite which provides 60 transferable academic credits (or equivalent) in a range of disciplines (preferred domains listed below).
    • Current students must be attending a BC post-secondary institution.
    • Students converting from an existing career path may have graduated from any university or college.
    • Candidates with an average post-secondary GPA of 3.0 or higher will be preferred.


  • Be eligible for Admission Directly into Year 3 (i.e., the 2+2 program) on the basis of Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). A combination of professional experience and career education will be assessed under Flexible Admission policy on a case-by-case basis. Applicants under Flexible Admission should have a minimum of 5-10 years of relevant experience in a related field.



  • Hold a verifiable Red Seal Certification (Trades To Academic (TTA) admission into Year 3): Students holding a verifiable Red Seal Certification may be granted 57-60 transfer credits towards admission into the 2+2 BDM. Students granted transfer credit under Red Seal Certification will be required to enrol in WHDM 306 Applied Research unless they have achieved course equivalency. Pre-entry assessment of English command/Writing skills typically needed for success in BDM coursework will be required.  Applicants are asked to apply under Admission Directly into Year 3.


Preferred domains of previous study include:

  • Human Resources
  • Occupational Health Safety
  • Healthcare
  • Business
  • Social Work

What does the WDA Grant Scholarship Provide?

Eligible individuals may apply for a Scholarship for either full- or part-time study in the 2+2 Bachelor in Disability Management (BDM) program.

The WDA Grant Scholarship will provide

  • $6,500 annually for each of 2 years of full-time study in the 2+2 BDM program, to cover most of the course tuition for the specialized courses required to complete the BDM degree. Applicants will be responsible for covering the balance of the tuition: approximately $1,120 per academic year for a student entering with 60 credits and with suitable research coursework. Textbooks, which are required by several courses, are not covered by the Scholarship.
  • $3,250 annually for the first 2 years only of part-time study in the 2+2 BDM program, to cover most of the course tuition for the first 2 years of specialized courses required to complete the BDM degree. Applicants will be responsible for covering the balance of the tuition for the first 2 years: approximately $560 per academic year for a student entering with 60 credits and with suitable research coursework. Textbooks, which are required by several courses, are not covered by the scholarship. Applicants will be responsible for covering the full tuition and all other expenses for completion of the program (the final 2 years of part-time study), as the scholarship grant expires in 2027.

What is the WDA Grant Scholarship?

  • The Scholarship program is made possible by funding to the National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR), provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement (WDA).
  • Candidates may apply for a Scholarship towards either full- or part-time study in the 2+2 Bachelor of Disability Management (BDM) program at Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS).
  • Each successful candidate will be entitled to $6,500 annually for each of two years of full-time study, or $3,250 annually for the first 2 years only of four years of part-time study, applied towards tuition fees. The scholarship grant expires in 2027.
  • Scholarship funds will cover most (but NOT all) of the annual course tuition per year, and can only be applied to tuition for the specialized courses required to complete the 2+2 BDM program.
  • Candidates must:
    • have completed at least 60 transferable academic credits from a recognized post-secondary institution (or equivalent; more information below).


    •  qualify for Admission Directly into Year 3 (i.e., 2+2 BDM program) by Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) / Flexible Admission.


  • Hold a verifiable Red Seal Certification.
  • The Scholarship program duration is 2 years for full-time study, or the first 2 years only of part-time study, in the 2+2 BDM program. Recipients for full-time study are expected to graduate within this 2-year time frame; those for part-time study will be responsible for the full tuition for the final 2 years of the program, and are expected to graduate at the completion of the 4th year.
  • The percentage to which the annual Scholarship will cover actual tuition costs will be contingent on the number of transfer credits with which prospective students enter the degree program, and any additional courses that may be required.
  • What is Advanced Standing (Admission Directly into Year 3) (2+2 program)?

    A credit assessment of 60 transfer or PLAR credits will permit Admission Directly into Year 3 of the BDM program (Advanced Standing, or 2+2 program).

    In this case, 60 credits have been awarded by transfer credit or PLAR, and only 60 credits remain to be completed at PCU-WHS.

    Advanced standing: Courses required after direct entry into year 3 (2+2) program:

    All of these are 3-credit courses (20 courses for 60 credits):


    WHDM 105     Disability Management & Return to Work

    WHDM 106     The Body and Mind at Work

    WHDM 107     Workplace Prevention & Health Promotion


    WHDM 206     Decision Making & Data Analysis

    WHDM 207     Case Analysis & Research Methods

    WHDM 215     Human Resources & Organizational Development


    WHDM 302     Physical Impairments and Work Retention

    WHDM 304     Disability Work & the Law

    WHDM 307     Mental Health Conditions & Work Retention

    WHDM 308     Case Management: Information Gathering

    WHDM 309     Job Analysis, Assessment & Accomm Tech

    WHDM 318     Workplace Management and Communication Skills


    WHDM 402     Unions & the Workplace

    WHDM 404     Economics of Workplace Health Initiatives

    WHDM 405     Ethics in the Workplace

    WHDM 406     Case Management & Service Coordination II

    WHDM 407     Conflict Resolution & Negotiation in the Workplace

    WHDM 408     Workplace Insurance and Benefits


    WHDM 410a   Final Research Project Proposal


    WHDM 412a   Final Practicum Preparation & Sectoral Study


    WHDM 410b   Final Research Project


    WHDM 412b   Final Practicum

    How many credits can be obtained at PCU-WHS?

    PCU-WHS currently offers specialized courses that can provide up to 75 credits. Credit for elective courses (at least 45 credits) must currently be obtained by transfer credit or PLAR, or through another higher-level educational institution. PCU-WHS is aiming to offer a limited number of elective courses in the near future.

    Can my previous courses or experiences count for credit towards specialized courses of my BDM degree following admission (additional transfer credit and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) credit)

     After you have been admitted to the BDM program, you may apply for transfer credit for specialized BDM courses based on previous academic courses you have already taken. No fee is charged for transfer credit assessments. You may be required to provide course outlines for those courses for which you wish to obtain transfer credit. Transfer credit will only be granted when your previous course(s) are considered equivalent to the specialized BDM course.

    PLAR credit may also be obtained for specialized BDM courses. This process entails creation of a portfolio of evidence as to how your previous learning (through credit and non-credit courses, on-the-job training, and work experience) has met the objectives of the specialized BDM course. The process is guided by our PLAR Coordinator. A fee of 50% of tuition for the BDM course is charged.

    Can my previous courses or experiences count for credit towards my BDM degree during the admission process?


    Credits eligible for transfer are credits acquired through previous formal higher-level education, for example, previous degrees, diplomas, or certificates, or university credits from partially-completed programs. Please note that a one-to-one transfer is not always appropriate.

    Additionally, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) credits may be awarded for flexible admission based on non-credit courses, on-the-job training, and work experience relevant to the BDM.

    A credit assessment of 60 transfer or PLAR credits will permit Admission Directly into Year 3 of the BDM program (Advanced Standing, or 2+2 program).


    How do I register for courses?

    Once you are admitted to the BDM program, you will be provided a learning plan indicating the courses you are to complete.

    Students under WDA or SIP scholarship will be automatically registered for courses according to the scholarship schedule. If you have an accommodation for course load, contact Student Services to inform us how many courses per trimester you would like to take.

    Students who are not under WDA or SIP scholarship are required to request courses through MY-PCU. See request course through My-PCU

    Recommended schedules for completion of the 2+2 BDM program:

    · In 4 years of part-time study https://www.pcu-whs.ca/recommended-schedules-of-study-22-bdm-program/

    · In 2 years of full-time study https://www.pcu-whs.ca/recommended-schedules-of-study-22-bdm-program/


    How do I apply for the Bachelor of Disability Management program at PCU-WHS?

    PCU operates on a continuous intake system.  Once you are admitted for study, you will be able to take courses in the next semester. 

    All prospective students must apply through MY PCU-WHS, found on the University’s website. See How to Apply – Pacific Coast University (pcu-whs.ca)

    In addition to filling out the application form, you should begin the process of obtaining any required documentation including transcripts and documentation related to previous education.  Evidence of your educational background will be used to determine how many credits can be applied to your degree program on entry.

    Once PCU-WHS receives your application, it will be reviewed to make sure it is complete and then will be sent on to the registrar for approval.  

    The processing fee for the application is $100, which is non-refundable. Upon receiving your completed Application Form, we will send you the invoice for paying the application fees. Fees must be paid before we will begin processing your application.

    An additional PLAR assessment fee of $400 will apply for Flexible admissions that proceed with PLAR assessment.

    What are the requirements for full-time study?

    If you are under WDA or SIP scholarship, you will be in the 2+2 program and will typically take ten 3-credit courses per year (3 or 4 courses each trimester) according to the scholarship schedule

    Students studying full-time under WDA or SIP scholarship must not be working full-time.

    If you are not under WDA or SIP scholarship, to be considered a full-time student, you must take a minimum of 3 courses (totaling 9 credits) per trimester or 18 credits in a calendar year.


    Can I study Part-time?


    If you are under WDA or SIP scholarship, you will be in the 2+2 program and will typically take five 3-credit courses per year (one or 2 courses each trimester) according to the scholarship schedule.

    If you are not under WDA or SIP scholarship, you can take courses, at your own pace. Please be aware that there are time limits for completion of the program, and designated time-sensitive courses that must be completed within 5 years prior to graduation. Please see the Academic Calendar for more details.

    Can I obtain credit for courses taken at other institutions?

    If you are taking the 25-module Disability Management Practitioner Program Certificate you can request exemptions from up to six modules based on equivalent courses taken at other institutions within the previous five years.  You may also receive exemptions for certain modules if you are currently in certain roles.  For example, if you are a licensed nurse or other health practitioner you could be exempted from Module C on Physical Impairments, Rehabilitation Services and Return to Work.  You should check the Guide to Continuing Education Courses/Programs (page 7) at PCU-WHS 2024-2025-CE-guide and the Exemption Form for specifics. The cost for processing an exemption is $20.

    If you are completing the 8-module Effective Workplace Responses to Mental Health in the Workplace Certificate you can ask for exemptions for up to two modules based on having completed a similar course at other institutions within the previous five years.  You may also use equivalent PCU-WHS courses for which you have received a passing grade within the last five years.

    Informal education (e.g., conferences and non-credit workshops) in conjunction with work experience and a short assignment could form the basis of Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) credits. Please review the 2024-2025-CE-guide (pages seven and eight).  The cost for completing a PLAR is $100.

    Will I be able to get a job after completing a program or significant number of modules?

    PCU-WHS does not have a career center so it is recommended that you search online for websites with information on how to carry out a job search.  A job search is obviously going to be impacted by the number of jobs available in your region and the requirements of the jobs that are being offered.  If you are new to the field, as you are completing your modules, begin to watch the job boards so that when you are ready, you will have already gained some insights into who is hiring and what is available in terms of jobs.

    It may make sense to send an application in, even if you do not have all of the qualifications being asked for.

    It might also make sense to send your resume in to potential employers even when they don’t have advertisements for job openings.  There are several types of organizations that hire disability management practitioners:

    • Insurers who provide DM/RTW services as part of getting people back to work and cutting down on their time on disability—e.g., workers’ compensation organizations, private disability insurance providers, auto insurers
    • Third party providers who contract with other organizations and companies and carry out a range of functions including claims management and return to work. You should be able to find some names through an online search with terms such as “third party providers and disability management” or “rehabilitation providers and return to work.”
    • Organizations with their own disability management departments—these are usually larger organizations.

    What happens if I cannot take a course that I have enrolled in?

    Up to a week before the course start date, you can transfer to another session of the course or another course with the same fee or apply for a refund.  On the Monday, a week before the course start date, you are considered to be in the course and you will lose your course fee, although you can sign up later at your own cost.

    However, you are allowed one life-emergency transfer per term, meaning that if you are prevented from participating in a course due to an unpredictable event or situation, PCU-WHS will transfer you to the next module.  You need to contact continuingeducation@pcu-whs.ca  before the final assignment submission date and it would be thoughtful to contact the instructor as well.  If you have already used your life emergency transfer, you may be able to go through a more formal accommodation process, to obtain a transfer at no cost.  This means that you will fill out a request for an accommodation that involves the provision of some documentation.

    You can receive a refund if you cancel your course up to a week before the course start date.  However, there will be a $50 administration fee per course, up to a maximum of $750 if a student is withdrawing from several courses at one time. Students who become ill or who experience a significant family or life emergency (the death of an immediate family member, hospitalization of a child or elderly parent, job loss, etc.), may be able to withdraw from a course or program without a deduction after filling out an accommodation request.


    Will I receive a certificate at the end of a course or program?

    Certificates can be provided to individuals who have completed all the courses in a certificate program. Please go to https://forms.gle/TmFCkELTPNhTkj4Y8 and fill out the Certificate Application Form. You should receive the certificate within a month.

    Certificates are not provided after completion of single courses.  If you need evidence of completion, you can download a transcript from the enrollment site.  You can also ask for a formal transcript of your record at PCU-WHS and that has a charge of $15.

    What is the process for enrolling in courses and paying the fees?

    Students begin the process of becoming a student at PCU-WHS by going to https://mypcu.pcu-whs.ca and entering their contact information. They will then be sent a student number and password.   By enrolling in a course, students are attesting to having completed high school or the equivalent, and to being proficient in written English.

    Once you have been provided with a student number and password, you can enroll yourself in courses.  Enrollment is open until Wednesday at midnight in the week before a course begins. You can reach the enrollment page by clicking on MY PCU-WHS at the top right-hand corner of any PCU-WHS website page or by going directly to the enrollment page https://mypcu.pcu-whs.ca

    For most continuing education programs, students can take the courses in any order, with the exception of a few modules that have prerequisites.  These courses must be completed before the student is able to access a course with pre-requisites.

    You can pay for the course at the time you enroll or up to a week before the course start date. When an individual signs up for a course, an invoice or receipt will be emailed to them.

    In some cases, an organization may pay directly for an employee. When this is the case, participants should have the employer contact the PCU-WHS accounting department and arrangements will be made to have the invoices sent directly to them.

    If you have not paid for the course by Wednesday at midnight in the week before, you will not be moved to the course site.